The Different Types of EL Wire

EL wire is sold in many different forms, and choosing the right EL wire for your project will depend greatly on the application you want to use it for. Colour, thickness and length all need to be taken into account to ensure you purchase the best EL wire for your needs.

EL wire can be purchased in many lengths, whether by the metre or by the roll. Depending on the lengths of wire you wish to illuminate, a different power converter may need to be used to ensure the best effect.


Our EL wire comes in a great variety of colours, expanding their uses and applications even more! It is also possible to create dynamic colour combinations by twisting 2 or more wires together, or by cutting and reattaching wires of different colours. Our EL wire colour range includes:

White Ultramarine Blue Green Green Lime Yellow

Orange Red Blood Red Pink Purple


Different thicknesses of EL wire provide different light-intensities and different tensile strengths. Your specific project will dictate the best EL wire thickness for your needs. Thinner options are easily bent, twisted and shaped, while the thicker options are stiffer and sturdier. Our range of EL wire is available in the following sizes:

  • 1.2mm
  • 2.3mm
  • 2.5mm
  • 3.0mm
  • 3.2mm
  • 3.5mm
  • 5.0mm

EL Wire Inverters & Power Packs

EL wire can be powered directly from electrical outlets, or with battery packs, both appropriate for different uses and applications. If your project is intended to stay in one location only (a lamp or Christmas tree, for example), outlet power may be the right option for you. However, if your project requires movement and mobility (wearable safety lighting, costuming etc.), you will need a battery pack.

Both options require module inverters, which regulate the flow of current through the wire. The best type of inverter for your application will depend on the length of wire you would like to illuminate, amongst other factors. We are more than happy to guide you in your purchase and ensure your needs are met.

EL (Electroluminescent) wire comes in various sizes and colors

EL (Electroluminescent) wire has many Profile Types
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